Mishuuae1's Gold Paydirt

My store offers high-grade, good quality Canadian paydirt. Being an established eBay business for a couple of years, this small operation has expanded to its own e-store. This dirt is currently being processed from Larder Lake, Ontario. Once every couple of weeks or month, I drive up there and pan for gold. Very often, I bring back concentrates and put them up for sale, allowing people to have a shot at panning my dirt. I currently am offering free samples of paydirt in my web store. Be sure to check it out! If you are interested in purchasing my dirt from eBay, please search up the eBay id "mishuuae1" and visit my eBay store. I wish you good luck and great fun with your panning adventure! All the best, Adam Trat. This site is still under construction, however, the e-store is online and ready to take any order!